The coming of the Lord Jesus will be as a thief in the night. Many will be unprepared, because if you knew that a thief was coming you would be ready. THERE IS GOOD NEWS. You have time to get ready. Do not wait too long. Time is running out. Many will try to wait to the last minute. It is just like someone not having tickets to the play and they say we will get tickets at the door, but when they arrive at the ticket window, there is a sign that reads sold out. The bible says that tomorrow is not promised to you .Jesus Christ is coming to receive His Church, there is no doubt, the question is will you be ready. If you do not know if you are ready, PRAY THIS PRAY FROM YOUR HEART. LORD JESUS I`AM A SINNER, I BELIEVED YOU DIED FOR ME ON THE CROSS-, I ASK YOU TO FORGIVE ME OF MY SINS, I ASK YOU TO COME INTO MY HEART AND BE MY LORD AND SAVIOR. NOW I BELIEVE I`AM READY TO MEET YOU ON THAT DAY.
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