Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Crossing Over To the Otherside

trhamilton.com Joshua 3-1-6  definition- to move pass.2.to go beyond 3extend from one-sided to otherside
1 Corn. 4-13, supernatural faith, quadrennial over to other side, spiritual perfection Ephesin-4-13
Mark 11-22-
Lets go to the other side. We spend to much time on this side not able to think about going through to get to the other side.The other side is that Father God sees you, but we sometimes get stuck in our yesterday, we cannot get to our tomorrow. We are able to cross over to the other side because Jesus our forerunner has gone before us.this side is comfortable. we have learn how to do all things on this side, it is like a walk in the park. But the other side there are unknown territories and we say we cannot make through them. Because we don't know how to go through. But the the God who brought you to this point will lead you to the other side.Are you ready to cross over to the other side.First you must pray and ask the Lord who you must leave on this side. Just as Joshua told the men that they had to leave their families on this side to get the victory.So  check yourself and see if you are ready to cross over to the other side, Sometimes  your mind set has to change, you cannot go by what it looks like. Just as 12 went out 10 saw giants and two saw what God said.If cannot see yourself crossing over you will never get to the other side. You will see giant's or obstacles in your path.The two saw the plan and provision of God in the mist of the obstacles because in the spirit things are done, you see it in the spirit and your faith makes it  manifest in the natural. By the faith the two million crossed over to other side. God raised up a whole new generation  to see his promise come to passed, because the faith of the two.Know Father new all things that was going to happen  like that.The two would have the faith to see the promise com to pass.So say to yourself lets go over to the other side.So what has God spoken to you about your dream or destiny .

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